Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I was reading through the Sequim Municipal Code (yes, it's as boring as it sounds) as part of my internship with the City...and I came across this in the definition section:

"'Non-vehicle' is any object which is not a vehicle.' (SMC10.12.010c)

I was like, "Wow...if we have to resort to definitions like this...we have totally lost it!"

Now...having thought about the quote for most of the's my thought: maybe we need to be more blatantly obvious. What would happen if the legal system didn't have a complete set of definitions (sometimes insanely simple ones)? There would be chaos, because people would be using whatever definition they had grown up with!

I think it's the same way with being a Christian -- if we don't make it completely obvious, it is way too easy for people to mistake it for something else: they may think we "are just a nice person"...or "he's a great guy"...or "they're really easy to get along with"...or any number of things, EXCEPT the one that they should say, if we have been dipped in the blood of Jesus and filled with His Spirit.

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