Tuesday, October 14, 2008


As I was sitting at a table at school with some of my acquaintainces recently, one of them remarked that he was unstoppable. I, trying to maintain some level of maturity in the conversation, replied, "No you're not."

He rejoined by saying, "If it wasn't for law enforcement and physics, I would be unstoppable."

My reply was simply that "If it wasn't for law enforcement and physics, you wouldn't exist."

After that point, the conversation quickly degenerated into a discussion over whether or not it was possible to exist without physics -- relatively pointless, and irrelevant to the point that I am making here.

That evening in Bible study, we read in Hebrews chapter 7 that Jesus Christ is made our high priest "after the power of an endless life." Now, it seems like the concept of immortality lies at the heart of what it means to defy physics -- since the most rigorously tested law of physics is that of entropy (everything breaks down over time) -- if I cannot kill you, there is not much that I can do to stop you.

The other concept that we saw in the book of Hebrews was that "the sceptre of his kingdom is a sceptre of righteousness;" which, when compared to the passage in I Timothy chapter 1, that "the law is not made for a righteous man," shows how the law had no hold on Jesus. Because he had never sinned, there was no way that any law enforcement could possibly have any claim on him.

So, while the guy at my table was by no means unstoppable, the God I serve is exactly that -- unstoppable. And even better than the fact that God is unstoppable, is the fact that He has graciously allowed us the opportunity to become partakers of His unstoppable power and nature (II Peter 1:3-4).

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